by Brad Diamond | Sep 28, 2020 | Populace Of Vathis, Zodaic Empires
History of the Shifting Cities Inuzen are a race of elderlings created by the Zodiacs in an age long past. They formed to represent the sigil of Lorton the Seer, a wolf, a form that inuzen can shift into from their humanoid forms. For centuries before the current age,...
by Brad Diamond | Sep 25, 2020 | Populace Of Vathis, Zodaic Empires
Defiled Tieflings While the tieflings of Washu are widely accepted throughout Vathis and viewed as normal, there are another group of tieflings who are seen through a very different lens. The Defiled, as they are known, are tieflings who possess the essence of various...
by Brad Diamond | Sep 21, 2020 | Populace Of Vathis, Zodaic Empires
Washu and the Ascension Transformation The Ascension Transformation of Washu has been a tradition within the nation for as far back as Washu’s history can recall. Legend states that millennia after the great kami came and created the lands of Washu, they also...
by Brad Diamond | Sep 18, 2020 | Populace Of Vathis, Zodaic Empires
The Cultural Strength of Rancagesh Rancan culture is one of the most unique as well as one of the oldest cultures in Vathis. Having existed eons ago alongside the many dwarven kingdoms that once dotted the landscape, the culture’s history is extensive and has...
by Brad Diamond | Sep 14, 2020 | Populace Of Vathis, Zodaic Empires
The Children of Naugrix While dwarves and vasar seem like polar opposites when it comes to their appearance, the two races have a deeply intertwined past in Vathis that pre-dates most modern history. The dwarves of Mythrayne and the vasar of Darastrix both primarily...
by Brad Diamond | Sep 11, 2020 | Populace Of Vathis, Zodaic Empires
Elves of Leyathar Widely believed to be the first mortal race created, elves have a long oral history stretching back millennia through Vathis’s history. Legend states that when the sun first touched the wildlands where the Vibrant met the Material Plane, elves grew...
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