by Brad Diamond | Jul 22, 2020 | Creatures Of Vathis, Zodaic Empires
Keralyr, panther-like creatures from the Vibrant Keralyr are multi-hued panthers with an extraplanar origin from the Vibrant. They are most well-known for being the chosen mount of elite Leyarish warriors. These panthers are attracted to those of Vibrant bloodlines,...
by Brad Diamond | Nov 19, 2019 | Creatures Of Vathis, Zodaic Empires
Orava are tiny cerulean squirrel-like creatures bewitching all of Asarus with their soft, pettable fur and large, trusting eyes. Originally hailing from the plane of the Vibrant, they were shunted back to the Material Plane with Leyathar in the midst of the Darkest...
by Brad Diamond | Oct 29, 2019 | Creatures Of Vathis, Zodaic Empires
Dinosaurs often serve as trainable and reliable mounts for the citizens of Vathis.Their abilities, specializations, and price vary wildly depending on the species in question. Breeders of these creatures are most commonly found in Rancagesh, a southern nation covered...
by Brad Diamond | Sep 24, 2019 | Creatures Of Vathis, Zodaic Empires
Royal Pegasi are intelligent winged horses. At present, they are mainly found in the nation of Vavaire, and are typically only ridden by the world-renowned Pegasus Knights.The purchase of a pegasi by a third party is not approved unless there is an established bond...
by Rachael Withrow | Aug 6, 2019 | Creatures Of Vathis, Zodaic Empires
Mythric rams are the chosen mounts of the dwarves of Mythrayne.Much like dwarves themselves, they are sturdy and reliable. They are natural-born rock climbers and skilled leapers who make their homes on the mountains and cliff faces of Mythrayne, jumping from...
by Brad Diamond | Feb 18, 2018 | Creatures Of Vathis, Zodaic Empires
Creatures of Vathis: Volume One – A Pathfinder Sneak Peek! Hey everyone! We crested $9,000 today, which is AWESOME. In celebration, we wanted to share some sample Pathfinder pages with you. Feel free to toss these sweet monsters in your games and let us know how it...
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