by Brad Diamond | Sep 10, 2019 | Zodaic Empires
It’s the most magical time of year – Gen Con. Okay, maybe not the most magical time of the year, but it’s a great time of year for a lot of people, including us. New things! This year was our FOURTH year as exhibitors, that’s crazy. While being...
by Brad Diamond | Sep 3, 2019 | Power Groups, Zodaic Empires
The Surai are extremely powerful weapons wielded by members of the Order of the Midnight Amethyst.These weapons were created by the first Empress Jaeress millennia ago, and the public at large knows little about them. The Surai take the form of simple gemstone sword...
by Brad Diamond | Aug 27, 2019 | Power Groups, Zodaic Empires
The Order of the Midnight Amethyst is a small organization dedicated to the protection of the kingdom of Sillirai.They were first founded thousands of years ago by the original Empress of Sillirai, and they remain nearly as much of a mystery in the modern day as they...
by Brad Diamond | Aug 20, 2019 | Power Groups, Zodaic Empires
Created alongside the Vathis Sentinels,the Eyes of Vathis have served as a bureaucratic tentpole for the nations and organizations who are a part of the Vathis Accords for many years. While the Sentinels handle matters of rights, national security, and the general...
by Brad Diamond | Aug 12, 2019 | Geography, Zodaic Empires
Throughout the modern day in Vathis, eldria surrounds nearly all of its citizenry and wraps society in a warm blue glow, allowing conveniences and lifestyles only dreamed of one hundred years ago.Eldria has permeated the everyday lives of those across the continent to...
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