Bondless Amari

Bondless Amari

  Some amari never forge a psionic bond with a laris tree. These individuals are usually either uninterested in sharing their minds with another living being, or unable to find a laris who calls to them. This is rare, but these amari are known as the Bondless,...
Osept “Unchanged, Immovable, Indomitable”

Osept “Unchanged, Immovable, Indomitable”

Osept“Unchanged, Immovable, Indomitable”Colors: Tan, River blue, RedBanner: SerpentPopulation: 9,001,698Capitol: EilieptGovernment: Dynastic MonarchyLeader: Grand Pharaoh UzlakLanguages: Oseptian, Common, RancarNotable Exports: Spices, Gold, Jewelry, Magical goods,...
Cypress “On Horizons of Prosperity”

Cypress “On Horizons of Prosperity”

Cypress “On Horizons of Prosperity” Cypress “On Horizons of Prosperity” Colors: Turquoise, Green, WhiteBanner: AlbatrossPopulation: 18,065,498Capitol: ErealonGovernment: Imperial RepublicLeader(s): Jesnek Zi’Apheru, EmperorLanguages: Cypran,...
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