Pyran, Born of Lava and Brimstone

The Ixen Caldera is a burning wasteland of molten rock and brimstone. The heightened volcanic activity and seismic shifting make it a deadly expanse of terrain for even the most capable individuals who would attempt to cross it. This fiery phenomenon was the result of...

Tempestra, Born of Storms and the Wind

The swirling maelstroms and riling thunderstorms of the Manastorm Chain make it generally inaccessible to the majority of the world. The corrupted and twisted creatures that have been spotted in the region have led scholars to believe that any semblance of...

Folian, Born of Soil and Sunlight

While the most common instances of the Arkhos Spawn coming about is directly tied to the death knells of the Vandiels, there are other ways that Arkhos Tears have formed on the Material Plane. The folian came into existence due to the actions of a powerful sorceress...
Drakes, The Skybound Mounts of Darastrix

Drakes, The Skybound Mounts of Darastrix

Drakes are creatures with a wild past that are believed to be descended from dragons. As a prized possessions of the Daras people, domesticated drakes are friendly, invaluable allies, and are thought to be distant cousins of the vasar. An Industry: Drake...

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Vavaire, “Our Lines Run Deep”

Vavaire, “Our Lines Run Deep”

Vavaire "Our lines run deep" Colors: Blue, BlackBanner: Zodiac Sigil (Lord)Population: 24,127,893Capitol: ValianceGovernment: Unitary Constitutional MonarchyLeader(s): Ravenne zi'StardragonLanguages: Vavalish (Common), Isril, Trist, Draconic, Leyarish,...

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Koalari, The Curious Creatures of Sillirai

Koalari, The Curious Creatures of Sillirai

The koalari are an odd species. They live in communal groups high within the laris groves of Sillirai, rarely coming down to the forest floor to scavenge or roam unless in danger. They are known for their brilliant jewel-toned fur and glassy eyes. Many tourists who...

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People of Vathis – Evie Jaeress

People of Vathis – Evie Jaeress

Queen-Empress Evie Jaeress is the religious figurehead of Sillirai, and Queen by marriage. She is responsible for uniting a fractured nation and slaying the aspect of the Vandiel Rumoriskar at the height of the Darkest War. Evie takes a hands-off approach...

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Ildera, The Eldric Constructs

Ildera, The Eldric Constructs

The ildera are a race of constructs known to be the single most adventurous race on Vathis. They are an intelligent and inquisitive people whose peculiar connection to the Ether drives them to explore the world. Often hired as manual laborers, the ildera have proved...

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People of Vathis – Edgar Bohemn: Vantus of Airilereat

People of Vathis – Edgar Bohemn: Vantus of Airilereat

Edgar Bohemn stands as the major antagonist against the party in the As Far As You Can Tell campaign. His actions early on are shrouded in shadow and mystery, and as the layers of intrigue are pulled back they gain insight into the enemy who stalks them in the night. His tragic past, and the involvement of Veil in his creation, are eventually revealed to the party, as they gain a glimpse of the monster he has become.

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People of Vathis – Sophiel Garren

People of Vathis – Sophiel Garren

Sophie is a Vathis Sentinel Outrider who originally hails from Aurezia. As a fair human of average height and build, her most noticeable feature is the curly blonde hair she struggles to keep tied out of her face.

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Amari “The Psionic Dreamwalkers”

Amari “The Psionic Dreamwalkers”

The amari are a proud race who primarily reside in the forested kingdom of Sillirai. Even so, you may find a great number of their kind traveling across the world as explorers, soldiers, and adventurers. Amari often psionically bond with ancient trees known as Laris...

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Otherworldly – Zodiacs and the Starcalling

Otherworldly – Zodiacs and the Starcalling

The Zodiacs  The Zodiacs are seventeen dragons of unimaginable power and the driving force behind fate in the world of Vathis. They are the great creators of the multiverse, the magical essence of the Ether, and the deities that the citizens of Vathis hold dear. They...

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Otherworldly – Vandiels and Deities

Otherworldly – Vandiels and Deities

At the core of the cosmos stand some of the most powerful entities of the multiverse, the Deities and Vandiels, forever opposed. From the will of the Deities springs forth most of the life of the multiverse. The Vandiels, on the other hand, work tirelessly...

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Eldria, The Catalyst Crystals

Eldria, The Catalyst Crystals

Eldria and Technology “A brighter future for a darker age.” In almost every home, in nearly every city, lies the soft blue glow of eldric technology. Eldria has spread far and wide across the continent since eldria’s initial discovery nearly a century ago. The...

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Rancagesh “We endure in Unity”

Rancagesh “We endure in Unity”

Rancagesh “We endure in Unity.”Colors: Saffron, Light Blue, BlackBanner: SmilodonPopulation: 7,046,546Capitol: TretoGovernment: Tribal FederationLeader: Jedekka zi'Pazclact, TatoanniLanguages: Rancar, Common, OseptianNotable Exports: Cocoa, Coffee, Fur, Leather,...

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Races of Vathis – Dwarves: Singers of the Stones Melody

Races of Vathis – Dwarves: Singers of the Stones Melody

The dwarves of Vathis are a resilient people who once commanded an empire spanning the breadth of Asarus. Dwarves are driven by honor and tradition, and while they are often satirized as standoffish, they have a strong sense of friendship and justice. They care not...

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Races of Vathis – Acer’rin: Masters of Coin and Sea

Races of Vathis – Acer’rin: Masters of Coin and Sea

The elves of Venoch are one of the three types of elves located on Vathis. Known as the acer'rin, they are less magically inclined than their ele'rin brethren and still live on the surface world, unlike the vae'rin. The acer'rin have made a name for themselves as the...

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Races of Vathis – Tieflings: The Spirits Within

Races of Vathis – Tieflings: The Spirits Within

Tieflings “Existing for millennia within the exotic nation of Washu, tieflings have a long history and a rich culture, and within Washu they have established an ethnic religion surrounding the spirits of the world. However, the Darkest War has introduced a...

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Races of Vathis – Half-Orcs

Races of Vathis – Half-Orcs

Half-orcs in Vathis are seen as outsiders by most other races, and outside of Rancagesh there is some prejudice and discrimination still today. Though half-orcs do suffer from bias, things are changing for the better, with at least half of the Council of...

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Eldricorns, The Crystalline Steeds

Eldricorns, The Crystalline Steeds

Eldricorns are believed to be horses that adapted to the effects of raw eldria during its spread. They were first discovered in the Shardlands, but they can be found anywhere in areas of naturally occurring eldria. Though they run at a steady pace, they...

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Races of Vathis – Aasimar

Races of Vathis – Aasimar

Long ago, the gods of Vathis brought angels and archons to the material realm to aid their mortal avatars in a now-forgotten divine war.Aasimar are the descendants of these celestial creatures. Aasimar procreate as most races do, and they are also born to...

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People of Vathis – Sharaun, The First Noir

People of Vathis – Sharaun, The First Noir

Sharaun was the first. The first freed noir from the clutches of the Shattered Hand. The first noir infiltrator on behalf of Legion against the Shattered Hand. She was the first noir to successfully lead a quadruple life, as a Dark Knight, as a Vathis Sentinel, as a...

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Races of Vathis – Noir, The Shrouded Tragedy

Races of Vathis – Noir, The Shrouded Tragedy

The origin of the noir is a tragedy, and considered globally to be the greatest misfortune to ever befall a group of people. In the later years of the Vavairen Empire, the Emperor decreed the worship of the Old Gods punishable by law. At the insistence of...

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Nations of Vathis – Sillirai “Honor the Dream”

Nations of Vathis – Sillirai “Honor the Dream”

Residing on the continent of Sillious to the west of Asarus, Sillirai is home to the world’s only native population of amari. The amari themselves are a psionic race who’ve bonded with the great laris trees of Sillirai for generations, and this interspecies bond defines much of the culture and architecture of the kingdom.

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Nations of Vathis – Erygis “From Ashes, a Phoenix”

Nations of Vathis – Erygis “From Ashes, a Phoenix”

Erygis was originally founded as a penal colony which became a frontier haven for outcasts and adventurous peoples. The nation’s motto, “From Ashes, a Phoenix”, rings true. Built on the foundation of old dwarven structures from ages dim and distant, the resident clans of Erygis had an easy time securing the countryside.

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Zodiac Empires – Fleets of the Skies

Zodiac Empires – Fleets of the Skies

The world was forever changed when the magical crystal Eldria was discovered in the year 3689 AG. This discovery led to the advent of the Ether Drive System, allowing for the first time lighter-than-air travel, and soon great airships were invented to fly...

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Zodiac Empires – Races of Destiny

Zodiac Empires – Races of Destiny

Across the wide breadth of Vathis stretches countless civilizations with a nearly endless array of cultures and peoples. But it is not the roads, or the cities, or the nations that make this world what it is. It's the people. The great many races who occupy this world...

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The World of Vathis – An Uncertain Future Remains

The World of Vathis – An Uncertain Future Remains

"The war is over - the fight is not" Perhaps the most startling change to the world of Vathis in recent years is the rebirthing of the dragons, who were released from their stone prisons following the return of Vavaire. Though scholars know little of these...

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The Six Sentences of ZodiacEmpires

The Six Sentences of ZodiacEmpires

We didn’t win the Darkest War. We survived: The ruins of the past rise up around us, like monoliths to a golden age whose name escapes us. Corpses piled high as the otherworldly forces of the Shattered Hand ravaged the strongest civilizations of our day...

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