The Pantheon of Vathis: Neutral Deities, Part 2

The Pantheon of Vathis: Neutral Deities, Part 2

The Pantheon of Vathis: Neutral Deities, Part 2 Junon  Honor, War, Strategy, Oaths, Vengeance, Battle,Swordplay The goddess Junon was once a great mortal warrior called Kurzen. Kurzen succeeded in saving the world and was granted divinity in reward, which he later...
The Pantheon of Vathis: Neutral Deities, Part 1

The Pantheon of Vathis: Neutral Deities, Part 1

Aleydra  Magic, Ether, Psionics, Knowledge, Dreams, Inspiration, Literature  Sorcerers, magicians, psions, librarians, and dreamers of all races and nationalities whisper their prayers to the dragon deity Aleydra, the patron goddess of the amari race. Her devoted are...
The Pantheon of Vathis: Good Deities, Part 2

The Pantheon of Vathis: Good Deities, Part 2

The Pantheon of Vathis: Good Deities, Part 2 Circe  Healing, Fertility, Family, Joy, Comfort, Nurturing, Summer  The goddess of lovers and family bestows her gifts upon the mortal realm in the form of love and fertility. Circe’s influence is felt in the bond of...
The Pantheon of Vathis: Good Deities, Part 1

The Pantheon of Vathis: Good Deities, Part 1

Astea   Good, Light, Life, Creation, Love, Music, Beauty, Art, Song  Spread across the breadth of the continent, Astea is by far the deity with the most followers in the entire world. Her churches rise up like welcoming monoliths of stone and stained glass, offering...
Otherworldly – Zodiacs and the Starcalling

Otherworldly – Zodiacs and the Starcalling

Otherworldly – Zodiacs and the Starcalling The Zodiacs  The Zodiacs are seventeen dragons of unimaginable power and the driving force behind fate in the world of Vathis. They are the great creators of the multiverse, the magical essence of the Ether, and the...
Otherworldly – Vandiels and Deities

Otherworldly – Vandiels and Deities

At the core of the cosmos stand some of the most powerful entities of the multiverse, the Deities and Vandiels, forever opposed. From the will of the Deities springs forth most of the life of the multiverse. The Vandiels, on the other hand, work tirelessly to...
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