As Far As You Can Tell – Episode 27

As Far As You Can Tell – Episode 27

Episode Synopsis Welcome to town! The party approaches a fortified gatehouse. There is one guard on the opposite end of the gate who asks where we’re coming from, as they don’t get many visitors here. His name is Alexander. No one finds anything out of the...
As Far As You Can Tell – Episode 27

As Far As You Can Tell – Episode 24

Episode Synopsis Dewdrop (continued) The party continues into the tower. Upon reaching the door, the party learns that it’s magically sealed, but Veil is able to unlock it. Light from within spills out. The party is standing within a small foyer featuring a...
As Far As You Can Tell – Episode 27

As Far As You Can Tell – Episode 23

Episode Synopsis Luca’s Truth Luca begins to explain more about his family and the keep. Veil walks through the house looking around. Veil is unable to tell if there is a specific deity that Luca follows. Luca speaks about his son, Sergio. He says that Sergio is...
As Far As You Can Tell – Episode 27

As Far As You Can Tell – Episode 22

Episode Synopsis Reclaiming Raziel Raziel disappears, and Hove tries to jump into the water after him. Upon leaving, Raziel finds himself in a  body that is not his own; he is seeing through the eyes of another. Raziel goes through an endless series of defeating...
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