Races of Vathis – Tieflings: The Spirits Within


“Existing for millennia within the exotic nation of Washu, tieflings have a long history and a rich culture, and within Washu they have established an ethnic religion surrounding the spirits of the world. However, the Darkest War has introduced a new type of tiefling born from the unholy couplings of the Shattered Hand and their prisoners of war.”

As a whole, tieflings are humans that possess a small smattering of fiendish within their bloodlines. In turn, they possess traits common to lower planer creatures, such as claws, fangs, and horns. From a ethical point of view, tieflings possess the ability to be of any morality and are not inclined towards more heinous and destructive behavior. Tieflings enjoy a number of qualities that normal humans do not, such as a smattering of supernatural abilities, thicker skin, and other such features common to fiendish creatures.

Washun Tieflings

Tieflings are considered native to the tropical island nation of Washu. The nations primary religion, Shinami, is structured around the worship of the various native spirits of the land. Tieflings came into existence on the island when the first Emperor bound himself to the spirits of Washu and successfully transformed himself into a tiefling. The Ascension Transformation ceremony, as the binding ritual is called, became widespread among the powerful Washun nobility. Afterwards, tieflings became a sign of powerful bloodlines and began to breed pure. Tieflings of Washu are shown a measure of deference and respect for their positions within their society. In present times, many influential members of Washun society are tieflngs, and their presence can be met all throughout the islands of Washu. The everyday citizens of Washu view their native tieflings as the physical manifestation of the will of the spirit world whose notice and relations are highly sought after. In recent years, a large movement has begun in Washu which aims to increase the reach and availability of the Ascension Transformation to all who wish to undertake its trials, as both a sign of devotion and nationalism to their home nation.


Washun tieflings are largely known for their exotic Washun appearance combined with the details of the fiendish bloodlines within. While the true source of the bloodline is unknown, Washun tieflings typically possess a rounded or angled horn structure, talon-like nails, and pointed tails. Many older noble bloodlines even possess vestigial bat-like wings in combination with the usual traits. Their eyes look like pools of molten colors, many of which are bright and vibrant. Their horns and wings typically follow the same color scheme as their eyes. There have recently been rumors that the bloodline of the Emperors of Washu even possess true functional wings.


Defiled Tieflings

In the wake of the Darkest War and the ravages of the Shattered Hand, a new race of tieflings have been brought forth by the actions of the fiends. As the progeny of the Shattered Hand and captured citizens, these tieflings have found themselves born into a world rich with scorn for their existence. Spread all across Asarus, the Defiled, as the tieflings have become known, are finding life significantly more challenging then that of their Washun counterparts, and even more-so than the noir. Many people throughout the world see the taint of the Shattered Hand written plain on their face, which only opens the recent wounds left by the Darkest War. In turn, the Defiled often seek out the life of the Outlaw, or the Sky Dragons, for both the freedom and understanding freely given by those groups. For the most part Defiled tieflings are loners, and they avoid attachment to any particular place or thing, as betrayal and retribution against their race is a common occurrence. Like Washun tieflings, the Defiled breed true to their race.


Defiled tieflings, while possessing many of the same traits of their Washun brethren, have a much more bestial appearance. Fang-lined mouths, elongated claws, a thick horn structure with pointed tips, a long thick tail, and cloven feet are typical of the Defiled. Almost all possess vestigial wings that appear as tattered and are functionally useless. Their eyes, horns, claws, and feet are typically colored in ruddy reds, browns, blacks, and grey, adding to their inhuman form. This outward appearance shows the recent addition of the Shattered Hand into their bloodlines, and this has caused many of the world’s common citizens to hold a negative outlook against the Defiled.


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