Races of Vathis – Humans: The Shifting Foundation of Civilization

Humans make up a large majority of the population of Vathis.

This can be attributed to their short lifespans and desire to expand their spheres of influence. While many of the other races of Vathis identify with a specific nation or territory of the world, humans hold no such bonds. Often pledging themselves to the nations they originate from, humans are quick to turn to nationalism over loyalty to their own kind. Humans also tend to be fast learners and versatile in their skill sets. This ability to learn quickly comes from their relatively short lifespans in comparison to other races. The actions of humans have arguably shaped modern day Vathis, for better or worse, more than any other race on the continent.

Humans usually stand, on average, between five and six feet tall.

Their hair colors range from blonde, like the humans of Aurezia, to black, like the humans of Washu, with all manner of browns and reds in between. Their skin can also range from fair, like the snow-touched humans of Isild, to dark, like the sand-swept humans of Osept. Humans are capable of growing facial hair, though the significance or prominence of this practice largely depends on where they’re from. Due to the wide array of appearances humans have, different appearances are often used to indicate what nation or geographical area a person is from. Humans possess a shorter lifespan than most of the other races of Vathis. Reaching adulthood in their teen years and typically living for less than a century, their time among the living is minuscule compared to that of the amari or inuzen. Humans supplement this by pushing themselves to live the most impactful and full lives they can.

All throughout history humans have been the movers and shakers of the world.

Great human families and individuals have shaped Vathis into what it is today. The zi’Paoleus family shaped early Cypress into a vast empire encompassing much of the western shores of Asarus. The Kurzar family in Isild has defended their country from Kurzen’s Beckoning for generations, and continues to do so today. Rulers of both Osept and Washu have been human at various points, but are perfect examples of how human lineage can verge quickly to half-breeds like Grand Pharaoh Ulzak of Osept, a half-elf. In the case of Washu, human leaders such as Grand Mage zi’Zengguang Chern formed a completely new race. Many noble lines in Tristan and Erygis stem from humans as well, demonstrating the wide expanse of geography where humans are able to thrive. Even the Holy Kingdom of Aurezia is headed by Lucius Amiel, a human Archbishop of Astea. These families and individuals, among many others, have permanently shaped Vathis and are all directly tied to human lines.

One might argue that the human families of Vavaire are the most influential people on all of Vathis. Aliskar zi’Stardragon, the former Emperor of Vavaire, is viewed by many as being responsible for the Darkest War.

It is through his actions that the Shattered Hand was able to emerge on our plane and begin their conquest of terror. Erishti zi’Stardragon, Aliskar’s brother, would be the one to close the Shattered Hand’s portal from the lower planes to the Material Plane. Also a human, he is an unsung hero who potentially saved Vathis from suffering further destruction than had already been wrought. In a post-Darkest War world, it is another member of the Stardragon family, Ravenne, who has taken the throne in Vavaire. With advice from her human advisor Hanad zi’Whisperrose, she has begun to rebuild Vavaire and help all of Vathis heal from the chaos brought on by her lineage. Ravenne is living proof of the impact humans can have, and continue to have, on the world today.


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