Races of Vathis – Half-Orcs

Half-orcs in Vathis are seen as outsiders by most other races, and outside of Rancagesh there is some prejudice and discrimination still today.

Though half-orcs do suffer from bias, things are changing for the better, with at least half of the Council of Vathis welcoming the nation of Rancagesh with open arms.

Half-orcs find their traditions and heritage to be an important part of what makes them who they are.

It is what has helped them survive for millennia, and is what makes them unique. Those raised among other rancar believe that their human blood does not diminish this. They are still proud of their orcish origins. They know that their mixed blood is, mostly at least, a result of some trying and tragic times. Half-orcs love to find things to celebrate, and are drawn to festivities, competition, and games. As a people they revere nature, the stars, and the gods. Shamanism and natural magic is very popular among them. Until the last century or so, they lived in loosely gathered tribes. Life is somewhat different for them now, but half-orcs still rely on the values of a close-knit community, and serving the gods in all they do. They hold a special respect for those taking on a motherly role, which may be a reflection of their worship for the goddess of life, Astea.

Half-orcs are relatively new in regards to being a recognized race, but they have existed in some capacity since humans arrived on the continent of Asarus.

Their lineage traces back to before recorded history when there were only orcs and goblinoids among the rancar. No one really knows where they came from or how they came to be, but some suspect they have blood of the Arkhos flowing through their veins, and that they are not a product of the gods directly. Before the civilizations of humans, elves, and others came to Asarus, the rancar forged an empire that rivaled that of the dwarves. The two were bitter enemies thanks to territorial disputes and religious differences. The Ages they came after left little recorded history in their wake, but it is known that during the Age of Black Frost the surviving orc tribes did their best to weather the ice age. When the Starcalling of humanoids began, the orcs were not left out. The next few centuries saw the rancar under constant threat of war and subjugation by the nation of Osept, whose power has only increased in the years since the Age of Black Frost. Throughout this time, orcs in servitude were often made to live with other human servants, and many of these unions resulted in half-orc children. By the dawn of the First Empire War, the number of half-orcs in captivity increased exponentially, and when the masses rebelled against Osept the majority of them made an exodus back to Rancagesh. Time has passed, and now there are many half-orcs that only know their own kind in their lineage. The half-orc population has grown and is projected to only increase in the future.

Since half-orcs come from the blood of both humans and orcs, and some from several generations of their own kind, their appearances can be extremely varied.

They are typically between average human height and up to 7 feet tall, and their weight is usually slightly more than humans. Half-orcs do have a predilection towards more muscular, powerful frames thanks to their orcish blood. Their skin colors are typically a greyish green or dark olive color, but they can be as pale or dark as you can imagine, similar to humans, and their skin tones depend on their parentage. Some traits unique to half-orcs include their prominent canine teeth. These teeth resemble tusks, and even though some people might not see beauty in them, the half-orcs do, and it is not rare to see them sharpened. Their pointed ears and heavy brows usually give away orcish ancestry as well. Half-orcs are also commonly seen displaying prominent tattoos, ritual scarification, or many piercings. Many of these are the result of traditions passed down from their ancestors, while some are habits picked up while enslaved by Oseptians.

Half-orcs are currently struggling to find their place in the world after the Darkest War.

Up until the war, they were largely seen as people without a nation and without basic rights. Nations like Osept and Aurezia still openly oppose Rancagesh as an organized nation, but the general populace of the world is slowly opening up to them and these prejudices are melting away. There is a resurgence throughout the rancar population, and thus the half-orcs, of people embracing the old primal magic of their people, as well as the arcane art that is regulated by the Eldritch House. Jedekka zi’Paclact, the leader of Rancagesh, is seen as a hero and paragon of half-orcs after her slaying of the Vandiel Ocluaxim’s Aspect during the darkest war. This has birthed a strong sense of patriotism among half-orcs throughout Asarus. With many nations becoming allied to Rancagesh in recent years, half-orcs are taking advantage of their freedom to see the world and seek schooling in other nations. You are far more likely to see a half-orc in a facility of higher learning these days. Within their home nation, the remaining effects of Ocluaxim’s terror lingers. Some half-orcs and the gnolls that were once an ally to them are still corrupted and roaming Rancagesh perpetrating violence and Vandiel worship. Half-orcs are adjusting well to a new life after centuries of oppression, and their curiosity only feeds their desire to experience and explore.


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