Races of Vathis – Dwarves: Singers of the Stones Melody
The dwarves of Vathis are a resilient people who once commanded an empire
spanning the breadth of Asarus.
Dwarves are driven by honor and tradition, and while they are often satirized as standoffish, they have a strong sense of friendship and justice. They care not for social niceties, but value loyalty and honor above any other quality. The dwarven people are crafty and take delight in tinkering and architecture, as is evident by the grandiose structures found within their cities. These cities usually place no emphasis on a central leader, and depend on every citizen to thrive. The dragon deity Naugrix is known to the dwarves as the father of their race. This has put them at odds with the vasar in the past, as both races make the same claim. Their predilection for warfare with neighbors both monstrous and civilized, along with their proud and solitary nature, led to the fracturing of their former empires. What remains is a united race of devout warriors, priests, and scholars whose society places significance in the bardic arts, tradition, religion, and family. Most of the dwarves you will find in the world can trace their lineage to their nation of Mythrayne.
Dwarves on average stand about a foot shorter than most humans, but are more stout and hardy to boot.
Their complexions range from pale to bronze, depending on the region they hail from. Their eyes cover the spectrum typical of humans, but blue and green eyes are most common. Male dwarves are known for their large, decorated beards, though the race tends to grow their hair out in general to decorate it with jewelry and various kinds of braids. Common dwarven dress is simple and modest, with the only adornment being details that represent Naugrix, or denote one’s station or profession. Their weapons and tools are high quality and ornate in design, as they believe better tools make better work. They like to wear something handmade that reflects their resourcefulness and skill.
The story of Asarus’ dwarves goes all the way back to before recorded history, to the wars between the gods and the Arkhos.
In the midst of these wars a benevolent dragon deity created life from the blood spilled in the conflict. From this Arkhosian essence rose the dwarven race. The discovery of bardic and divine magic influenced the dwarves in the following years, as these practices formed the backbone of their society in the form of Jordensång. The dwarven people went on to forge three impressive empires spanning Asarus. They found allies in giants and vasar, and enemies in the duergar, as well as the orcs and goblinoid ancestors of the people of Rancagesh. The Age of Black Frost saw the dwarf nations retreating underground for centuries, secluded from the rest of the world. When sigils began appearing on the sentient races, Starcalled dwarves saw their empires return to greatness. Unfortunately, in the ensuing years one empire would fade before disappearing mysteriously, and another cut off all contact with the outside world. The last standing dwarven empire, Mythrayne, let its monarchy die and turned its interests inward. Mythrayne took on the task of constructing a continent-wide road system known as the Gilded Road, and this was instrumental in bringing the growing nations of Vathis together over the next few centuries. When the First Empires War and Darkest War left their indelible marks on the world, the dwarves saw their numbers reduced and their people shaken, but some alliances renewed. The dwarves see now as the time to rebuild and prosper.
The dwarves are currently struggling to restore their nation’s former status and glory.
As a race they hold fast to old grudges and feuds, making diplomatic relations tough. The return of dragons has proven worrisome, as the dwarves view dragons as sacred creatures descended from Naugrix. Their return has caused some dissension in the Naugrin faith. The Council of Vathis is pressuring Mythrayne to establish a central leadership, which is something the dwarves fear returning to. The dwarves feel that Jordensang, especially in these trying times, must remain a pillar in their society. The return of dwarves from Salskyn, one of the “lost” dwarven empires, has caused problems of overpopulation in Mythrayne. This has inspired many dwarves to seek out the ruins of the old empire in hopes finding more of their brethren, or a place for the Salskyn to return. The East Angylis Company, an organization regarded criminal by others, seeks debts owed to Mythrayne by other nations, and their actions are becoming bolder as the days pass. These things leave the dwarves torn on many fronts, as if they are being pulled between their past and their future, their faith and their wrongdoings. They seek to become a stronger people, but how they achieve that is still a mystery at this point.