Races of Vathis – Acer’rin: Masters of Coin and Sea

The elves of Venoch are one of the three types of elves located on Vathis.

Known as the acer’rin, they are less magically inclined than their ele’rin brethren and still live on the surface world, unlike the vae’rin. The acer’rin have made a name for themselves as the best sailors in all of Vathis. Their mastery of the seas led them to developing vast merchant operations and greatly shaping the economy of the world. Following the advent of the airship, the economic dominance of Venoch and the acer’rin began to wane. This has led them to seek out and diversify the way they do business, and more importantly, the way they live.

The acer’rin stand, on average, slightly shorter than humans.

They possess the fair skin that is typical of surface elves, but often develop tans from being exposed to the sun on the ocean and in their relatively unshuttered cities. Acer’rin hair tends to be blonde to light brown with darker hair being a rarity. Their lithe and somewhat lanky builds are perfect for climbing, and balance. This makes them exceptionally good sailors when combined for their natural want to travel and explore. As all elves, acer’rin possess pointed ears as their most identifiable trait. While their appearances differ, most people will often tell acer’rin apart from other elves based on their attitude and social interactions. Acer’rin tend to have an air of cocky superiority, but tend to have enough charisma where they’re able to still be convincing and oftentimes charming. Their shrewd business minds and desire for deals and profit are how most of Vathis views them, despite there being many outliers among the race.

The acer’rin of Venoch were one of the earliest members of the Empire of Leyathar.

Back then, they were almost indistinguishable from their ele’rin brethren. They became the naval backbone of the empire and helped to drive the empire’s economy and trade. At the end of the Night Wars, Synethil, the capital city of the Empire of Leyathar, was shunted to the Vibrant. This brought about a great shift for the acer’rin and marks where the greatest divergence between them and the Ele’rin occurred. Having survived the Night Wars, the acer’rin nation of Venoch came into its own. The elves rallied together to continue their economic dominance and naval superiority. The Venocians managed to even remain a formidable power after the advent of airships, adjusting to survive in a changing world. During the outbreak of the first and second empire wars, the acer’rin remained tried and true warriors of their beliefs, often remaining aligned with their old Leyarin allies. During the Darkest War, the acer’in were among the many other races of Vathis that fought against the Shattered Hand to protect their homes and loved ones.

Following the Darkest War, the acer’rin find themselves in a precarious situation.

Due to the return of Synethil, and the many political machinations that occurred near the end of the war, the nation of Venoch has become divided into three primary factions. The three noble families of Varga, Yeil and Orbel are in a constant state of political turmoil, attempting to move the Acer’rin nation in a direction that will further the family’s both economically and politically. Most acer’rin side with one of the three families and contribute to the quarrels amongst their own race. Those who choose to take no side often leave Venoch in search of calmer waters where they can thrive. It’s not uncommon to see acer’rin aboard merchant ships or trade caravans where their economic aptitude as well as travel ready minds are able to flourish. Acer’rin make great adventurer’s due to the natural wanderlust each of them possesses. While they are most at home on the sea, they are found in some capacity, all over Vathis.


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