Races of Vathis – Aasimar

Long ago, the gods of Vathis brought angels and archons to the material realm to aid their mortal avatars in a now-forgotten divine war.

Aasimar are the descendants of these celestial creatures. Aasimar procreate as most races do, and they are also born to human families who possess divine heritage deep within their bloodlines. Some families are aware of this heritage and anticipate aasimar within their family tree, but to others, the birth of an aasimar is a complete surprise. A random birth such as this is almost universally considered a good omen, especially within the Holy Kingdom of Aurezia. Aasimar struggle to find their place within society, and many regard their actions with great scrutiny. Though they are not inherently good, they are often compelled to devote themselves to religious service.

Physically, aasimar are similar to humans, but they tend to be taller and more beautiful in an unearthly sense.

The bloodlines of the aasimar are countless generations removed from their celestial forefathers, but they still bear remarkable otherworldly features. Most aasimar have pupilless eyes that are a luminous gray, gold, or white. Their hair is often silver or gold as well. Some aasimar grow feathers from their head intermixed with their hair, or sprout small vestigial wings from their shoulder blades. Their appearances are extremely varied, as their divine bloodlines manifest in a number of ways. The average lifespan of an aasimar is slightly longer than that of a human.

Aasimars were sought out during the Darkest War by military and religious groups alike.

Many were convinced that only the divine would be able to save the world from utter annihilation, and people looked to the aasimar for guidance, hoping that they would somehow know how to defeat the Shattered Hand. While some aasimar express a measure of power over light and divine magic, not all are blessed with such talents, and the aasimar population of Vathis fared about as poorly during the Darkest  War as other races. Aasimar who feel alienated or abandoned by their families often leave home and move to melting-pot nations such as Erygis, which welcomes those of all races, lifestyles, and creeds.

Though some aasimar seek out others of their kind for company and companionship, many live solitary lives.

They tend to gravitate towards religious ventures, and they are frequently targeted by the world’s various faiths for scrupulous study. Some embrace their heritage, and others curse it, convinced that their divine blood sets them apart from those they hold dear.


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