Zodiac Empires – Races of Destiny

Across the wide breadth of Vathis stretches countless civilizations with a nearly endless array of cultures and peoples.

But it is not the roads, or the cities, or the nations that make this world what it is. It’s the people. The great many races who occupy this world have left their mark on it for all ages hence. This is a glimpse into the lives and histories of the various peoples who call the world of Vathis home.


The amari are a race of humanoids blessed with mental acuity widely believed to be gifted with life by the goddess of knowledge. Their longevity is augmented by magical bonding with Laris trees. With gifts such as sudden boosts of intelligence and the ability to mentally store possessions, they also excel in matters of diplomacy as well as espionage. Amari have a tendency for haughty and elitist behavior as a result of their cultural pride, pushing other races away. Though gifted great wit and intelligence, they are not known for possessing natural physical strength.


Ildera are sentient constructs composed of a synthesis of steel and magical crystal known as eldria. Ildera do not tire, breathe, nor sleep. They may seem emotionally distant to some, but this is simply a manner of perspective. Their view on the world is wholly unique, as they do not age. Ildera are a naturally inquisitive race. They are quick to learn and hungry to explore the world and uncover its truths. Ildera possess a natural affinity to the eldria in their veins, granting them immunity to its harmful effects. Once a tool used in the building of empires, the ildera gained their freedom long ago. There are some people on Vathis, however, who would seek to place the ildera in the shackles of bondage once more.


Lurking in the deepest reaches of the world are the shapeshifting inuzen, naturalistic worshipers of the Zodiacs themselves. The inuzen are blessed with a deeper connection to the natural world and they instinctually seek to protect the untamed woodlands and sprawling wilds of Vathis. Isolationists alternating between human and wolf forms, they can be seen as oddities to outsiders, but they are credited as being incredibly wise and long-lived.


Accursed for eternity to remain forever pretenders, noir know neither family nor death. Captured worshippers of the Old Gods during the Darkest War, the noir were purposely infused with vile vandiel blood to become faceshifting spies linked with their fiendish masters. Once this link was broken the noir became aware of their amnesia regarding their origins, as well as their ability to skirt death in an endless cycle of rebirth. Noir tend to be universally hatred due to their actions during the Darkest War, but some gentle souls show them kindness. Seeing the true face of a noir is a rare privilege indeed.


Hailing from floating motes in the sky are the vasar, noble descendants of dragons who reigned long ago. Possessing scaly exteriors, leathery wings, and other draconic features, vasar are imposing figures with a regal gait. Their natural strength and charisma lend to their mystique, but they are known to be arrogant and stubborn, which rubs others the wrong way when coupled with their zealous nature.


The dwarves of Vathis are a stout and resilient race who once commanded an empire across the breadth of Asarus. Their predilection for warfare with neighbors both monstrous and civilized, along with their pride and solitary nature, led to the fracturing of the great empire. What remains is a united race of devout warriors, priests, and scholars who are almost unmatched in manners of craftsmanship. The dwarves are currently struggling to restore their nation’s former status and glory, but they hold fast to old grudges and feuds, making diplomatic relations tough. Lurking beneath the surface of Vathis are the ebon-skinned cousins of the dwarves, the duergar. This cruel race has been feared for millennia for committing atrocities in service to dark entities.


The elves of Vathis are divided into three primary subraces. The ele’rin of Synethil are skilled practitioners of magic and viewed as some of the greatest mages in the world. They are treated with some uncertainty, however, due to the amount of fey-like characteristics they developed over the swath of time they spent in the Vibrant. The second subrace, the ace’rin of Venoch, are great shipwrights and merchants who seek gold and fortune. Their desire acts as a double-edged sword at times, with greed driving the actions of many ace’rin. The third group of elves are the vae’rin, or dark elves. Dwelling deep underground in the Evernight, the vae’rin have been the cause of anguish and despair for those on the surface repeatedly throughout history. Even those who forsake their kind and attempt to live on the surface in peace are treated with prejudice and disdain due to the vae’rin’s actions as a whole.


The halflings of Vathis are a scattered people who lost their homeland to the various alterations of the landscape and constant incursions of nefarious creatures. Thrown to the winds, they have made their way in the world by acclimating wherever they can. Adjusting comes easy to most halflings, who tend to be social and adaptable, integrating well into just about any society. They seek nothing more than survival and acceptance among the other races of the world, and in return they offer hardworking, dedicated, albeit small bodies ready to tackle any task set before them. Many halflings dream of rallying together and striking out into the world in the hopes of finding a place they may once again call home.


Gnomes are a peculiar race to behold with a culture lost to the sands of time. Stories persist of a great gnome kingdom locked away in the Vibrant, but unfortunately their kind was forced to reside here in Vathis. What they do boast, however, is an innate connection to the workings of magic both natural and arcane, making them natural spellcasters and tinkerers. Their unusual ways are seen as strange, and their small stature leaves them underestimated, but they are slowly adapting.

Half Elves

Half-elves are a widely distributed race born from Venoch’s love of rampant trade and extensive influence. Wherever you can find acer’rin traders you will also find their children, oftentimes half-elves. Half-elves tend to blend easily into the cultures of Vathis and they can be found in all of the world’s nations. They possess no central culture, instead adopting traditions from the places they were raised, though they tend to share their forebears love of exploration and negotiation. Half-elves from ace’rin stock are extremely common, but those from ele’rin and vae’rin forebears are extremely rare, though they do exist.

Rancagesh Races

The races of Rancagesh, commonly referred to as rancar, are primarily made up of orcs and half-orcs with goblinoids composing the rest of the numbers. Having occupied Vathis for as long as history recalls, these races were once widespread but fell under the rule of greater empires long ago and only recently rose to overthrow their oppressors. Oftentimes called savages, the rancar are in actuality a deeply spiritual people consisting of skilled hunters and workers. Orcs make up their strongest numbers and they usually retain the key positions of power, aided by their innately aggressive nature. Goblinoids occasionally form their own settlements but typically join the orcish. Half-orcs were once confined to Osept, but the resurrection of Rancagesh brought them forth in far greater numbers. They can be found amongst other Rancan citizens, having taken to leadership and diplomacy naturally, something the rancar desperately need. Today the rancar fight the perceptions of some of the world, but the rediscovery of their ancient arts of druidic magic has earned them respect from allies and fear from enemies.


Tieflings originate from the ancient founders of Washu who attempted to emulate the guiding spirits of the past. Their culture peaked on the eastern islands where they led an isolated existence for millennia, growing into a powerful people in their own right. The tieflings reside only in Washu now, and they are one of the oldest living races who have a firm grasp on magic, even as it waned in years past.


As kingdoms rose and fell and eras came and went the humans of Vathis proved their will to survive in the ever-changing world. Tenacious and motivated, they boast the fortitude to overcome nearly any obstacle. Whether they adapt to the ways of good or evil, they are almost always instigators of innovation and discovery. Humans can be found in all nations in Vathis with complexions and appearances as varied as the landscapes themselves. They do not possess a shared racial culture, but instead grow within the society they call home, for better or for worse.


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