People of Vathis – Sophiel Garren

Name: Sophiel Garren, known to friends and associates as Sophie.
: 27
Race: Human
Nationality: Aurezia
Allegiance: Vathis Citizen
Gender: Female
Height: 5’7
Weight: 125  lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Identifying Marks: Sophie can be identified by her sigil, which is the Sigil of the Seer.
Religion: Astea, though in recent years she has been worshipping Teiris.
Organization Affiliation: Vathis Sentinels, One Hundred and Seventeen Sky Dragons, Outlaws
Sigil:  Sigil of the Seer


Sophie is a Vathis Sentinel Outrider who originally hails from Aurezia. As a fair human of average height and build, her most noticeable feature is the curly blonde hair she struggles to keep tied out of her face. Sophie has cultivated a number of Outlaw and Sky Dragon contacts, and she sometimes moonlights as a pirate herself, though few know about this double life of hers. She is a kind person, but not a rigid judiciary; Sophie frequently uses discretion when enforcing the Vathis Accords. Throughout her years of service she has learned when to act, and when to stay her hand. Sophie’s work with the Vathis Sentinels is focused on keeping the tenuous peace between the powerful groups who claim the winds and waves of the Angylis Sea as their own.


Sophie Garren was raised in an upper middle-class family in Aurez City, Aurezia. Her mother was a homemaker, and her father, Connel, was a Lieutenant in the Land branch of the Vathis Sentinels. Though she took her studies seriously and had ambitions of becoming a politician, she always suspected that her father wished to marry her into a noble family for his personal gain. When she was seventeen, in the midst of the Darkest War, Sophie left. She heeded the call to aid the war effort and no longer felt comfortable in her own home, where her mother was pushing the prospect of marriage on her. With enough of her own funds to coast for a while, Sophie volunteered at a local hospital. She found little solace in treating wounded soldiers, and itched to be in the fight herself. After contemplating her options, she decided to join the Outrider branch of the Vathis Sentinels, where she was least likely to interact with her father. She did not inform Connel of her enlistment. Sophie became Starcalled on her first day of basic training.

During the Darkest War Sophie survived a number of harrowing battles.

She proved her wit and integrity time and time again, and after being raised through the ranks she was sent to the city of Gloam, Aurezia, to establish a foothold as an undercover agent amidst rampant corruption. After fulfilling these duties she was turned loose to her own command. Sophie decided to go to Erygis, where she and an Outrider team investigated a number of still-classified matters. During these investigations Sophie mysteriously came into possession of an airship, presumably gifted to her by an unidentified benefactor. To her dismay, Sophie struggled establishing good relations with the Sky Dragons and Outlaws in the Angylis region, and after completing an undercover mission where she masqueraded as a Sky Dragon she made it her goal to improve the social climate of the Angylis Sea. Sophie now patrols this region, often undercover as a pirate, investigating high stake claims and bringing dangerous Sky Dragons and Outlaws to justice.


Sophie is motivated by her lust of adventure and her desire to enact a real change in the world. She strives to see through impartial eyes and fulfill her Sentinel duties as they align with her ideals. She sometimes struggles with the rigid nature of the Sentinels, but as an Outrider she answers to no one, and adheres to her code as she sees fit.


Sophie has a number of allies, though she keeps their identities a secret. The closest of these allies, her boyfriend, is perhaps the most unlikeliest – he is the head of a Sky Dragon pirate family heavily involved in smuggling. She is also close friends with Arden Mattix, an associate of the Archfaer of Synethil. Some of her coworkers have witnessed Sophie writing long letters addressed to Arden, though they can only guess at what secrets they contain. Thaephon Arendaloth of Thaephon’s Magnificent Emporium is a dear confidant of Sophie’s. Despite their busy schedules, the two always manage to make time for one another.


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