People of Vathis – Sharaun, The First Noir

Sharaun was the first.

The first freed noir from the clutches of the Shattered Hand. The first noir infiltrator on behalf of Legion against the Shattered Hand. She was the first noir to successfully lead a quadruple life, as a Dark Knight, as a Vathis Sentinel, as a member of Legion, and finally as a member of the Sky Dragons. To this day she remains one of the most well-known noir throughout the entire world and is often remembered up as the paradigm of the capability of the noir. To this day she constantly strives for a better world for the noir, free from persecution and racism.

Age:  Unknown
Race:  Noir
Nationality: Vavairen
Allegiance: All
Gender:  Female (Subject to change)
Height:  5’5″
Weight:  119
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color:  Blue
Identifying Marks:  N/A
Religion:  Ardor (Astrian Junon)
Organization Affiliations: Dark Knights, Sky Dragons, Vathis Sentinels, Legion


Sharaun almost always wears her noir face, in both public and private settings. Since the end of the Darkest War she has made it a statement to never hide who she truly is. Her features are purely Vavairen, with stark red hair, and deep blue eyes. Many find her pleasant to look upon and she is often donning her jet black Dark Knight full plate armor. When it comes to each of the other organizations she is a part of, she often wears a different persona and face for each, and keeps her true name and face hidden. Only with the Dark Knights and Legion does she wear her real face, and she is most often found with them.


One can say that Sharaun’s life really began the day she was captured as a noir agent of the Shattered Hand by Legion. Once captured, Legion was able to break the binds of mental control that the Shattered Hand had placed on her. With her knowledge came the swift change of the course of the Darkest War. Shortly thereafter, Aevalyn successfully permanently freed her from the clutches of the Shattered Hand and she wrought discord and destruction back on her former masters from that day hence. Once the end of the Darkest War was realized she set out to experience the world, taking refuge in almost all of the major organizations of the skies of Vathis, becoming a Vathis Sentinel, a Dark Knight, a Sky Dragon and a member of Legion all at once. To this day she continues to remain in contact with her old associates, though she spends most of her time working with Legion and the Dark Knights.


It is widely believed that Sharaun possesses a Sigil, however she always hides her hands so it has never been confirmed. She began this practice shortly before the end of the Darkest War.


Sharaun’s primary ambition in life revolves entirely around the noir as a race. She wishes to find them a true home within the world and works closely with Legion, the government of Vavaire, and Hanad zi’Whisperose towards that end.


Sharaun possesses many allies throughout the world, from nearly all walks of life. Her actions and deeds during the Darkest War have granted her the ear of many powerful people throughout the world. The organizations that she is a part of owe her a great deal, especially Legion, though she rarely ever calls upon that debt.


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