People of Vathis – Evie Jaeress

Queen-Empress Evie Jaeress is the religious figurehead of Sillirai, and Queen by marriage.

She is responsible for uniting a fractured nation and slaying the aspect of the Vandiel Rumoriskar at the height of the Darkest War. Evie takes a hands-off approach to ruling her kingdom and leaves the general affairs of Sillirai to her husband, King Couric zi’Laristha. As the touched of Aleydra, her priorities ultimately lie in serving her goddess and interpreting divine whims.  


Age: 818
Race: Amari
Nationality: Sillirai
Allegiance: Vathis Citizen
Gender: Female
Height: 5’1
Weight: 100
Hair Color: Violet
Eye Color: Blue
Identifying Marks: Sigil of The Sovereign (Winyt), Surai
Religion: Touched of Aleydra
Organization Affiliations: Order of the Midnight Amethyst, Legion, One Hundred and Seventeen Sky Dragons, Whispers



Evie is an amari woman of slight build. Her violet hair falls to her mid-back, and her eyes are a dark blue. She wears robes and dresses in a variety of styles, but mostly those which allow for comfortable movement. Evie is known first for her charming demeanor, and secondly for her sharp wit. Those who meet her expect to encounter a demure and refined woman befitting the role of a monarch and religious leader, but are often surprised by her vibrant personality and unpredictable nature. At court, Evie and her husband are surrounded by a coterie of experienced advisors. These advisors tend to Evie’s affairs and aid the King when she unexpectedly leaves Cenirien Castle, as she often does.


The general public knows little of Evie’s early years. She was born to the former Empress Jaeress and a man named Kaezai, a member of her mother’s Amethyst Guard. Evie was raised in a loving environment knowing full and well that she would one day be placed in a form of stasis and awaken in the future to save her mother from the grip of the Waking Nightmare. This truth was hidden from most members of the Order of the Midnight Amethyst. Evie lived with her parents at the headquarters of the Order, where she was trained by her mother in the psionic arts. As Evie approached adulthood, the former Empress realized she made a grave error, as possible futures indicated they would both die at the hands of Rumoriskar rather than live. Evie did not blame her mother for the change in outcome, or harbor ill will towards her. Instead, she continued training to the best of her ability.

The former Empress took her search for salvation abroad, but left Evie in Sillirai where she would be safe.

Before leaving, she recruited Warmaster Couric zi’Laristha, brother of Sillarian Queen Ismeri zi’Laristha, to be Evie’s personal guard. The two quickly fell in love. When the Empress returned, only marginally closer to a resolution, she realized that Couric’s place beside Evie could change their futures. They devised a last-minute plan that included him alongside her. Evie was then placed in stasis within her bonded laris tree, and some years following Couric was transformed into a Vibrant squirrel.

With altered minds, the two awoke — Couric as a squirrel — and were reunited in the midst of the Darkest War.

Evie believed herself to be the daughter of the current royal family and sought revenge on her believed enemy: Erigrith zi’Dimzil. On her way to Mythrayne to seek aid she witnessed the return of Synethil and rushed to the city, where she made a number of powerful allies, such as the Archfaer. She then joined the organization Legion and aided their efforts fighting the Shattered Hand. As Evie grew closer to finding her mother, the enchantment on Couric broke, and he returned to his amari form. Their memories were slowly restored. Accompanied by a small group of friends, Evie and Couric returned to Sillirai and united the kingdom’s High Families under the strength of her mother’s title and Couric’s royal name. The two led a contingent of soldiers against Rumoriskar’s aspect at Castle Venure, where he was ultimately vanquished, and the Empress was freed from his hold. After denouncing Erigreth, who had also been corrupted by Rumoriskar’s influence, she appointed Couric the King of Sillirai and named Evie her divine successor. They were publicly wed on the day of his coronation. Evie’s mother slowly faded from the public eye, and Queen-Empress Evie and King Couric took their fight to the fiends time and time again until the Scar Tear portal was shut and the war came to a close.

In the post-war world, Evie is focused on rebuilding her kingdom and leading the Order of the Midnight Amethyst.

Her movements are a mystery to even her most trusted advisors. She frequently leaves Cenirien Castle with no warning, only to reappear weeks or months later wandering the halls, her exits and entrances undetected by the castle guard. She relies heavily on her husband, who seems unphased by her comings and goings. Evie spends the majority of her time training members of the Order and combating the Waking Nightmare, which rages on, despite the death of Rumoriskar’s aspect.

Sigil: Sigil of the Sovereign, Winyt.


Evie is motivated by whispers from Aleydra and a desire to protect Sillirai from harm. Selfishly, she is driven by her longing to explore the unknown and learn all she can. As a curious woman with formidable resources at her disposal, Evie becomes entangled in affairs she has no business being involved in. She is enthralled with dragons, gemstones, and the acquisition of the finer things in life, but never at the expense of others. This nature can possibly be attributed to her status as Touched of Aleydra — a dragon deity.


Archfaer Kernaroth and Thaephon Arendaloth are two of Evie’s closest allies. She is also close with Commodore Adieu, the leader of the One Hundred and Seventeen Sky Dragons, though she does not advertise the true depth of their bond. She considers the members of Legion who supported her rise to power among her dearest friends.


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