People of Vathis – Edgar Bohemn: Vantus of Airilereat

Disclaimer – Spoiler Alert: If you have not watched the AFAYCT series on Twitch the below spotlight has information specific to character development that may reveal secrets about the progress of the series.

Edgar Bohemn stands as the major antagonist against the party in the As Far As You Can Tell campaign.

His actions early on are shrouded in shadow and mystery, and as the layers of intrigue are pulled back they gain insight into the enemy who stalks them in the night. His tragic past, and the involvement of Veil in his creation, are eventually revealed to the party, as they gain a glimpse of the monster he has become.

Name: Edgar
Age: 32
Race: Human/Vantus
Nationality: Vavairen
Allegiance: Shattered Hand
Gender: Male
Height:   Human 6’1″, Vantus 15’6″
Weight: Human 198lbs, Vantus 598lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Identifying Marks: Human: None, Vantus: He’s a Vantus. They’re very distinct.
Religion: Astean
Organization Affiliations: Shattered Hand, Church of Astea, The Void
Sigil: Edgar is not Starcalled.


Edgar’s human form is that of a fairly good-looking human male around the age of 32. He wears his short and trimmed brown hair in a stylish part on the left side of his face. His face shows no signs of facial hair of any kind, and his brown eyes look down at you from behind a face possessing high cheekbones, a regular sized chin, and a fairly standard nose. His complexion is on the fair side, lacking all of the subtle wrinkles of one his age. His face appears ruggedly handsome by today’s standards. He wears a stylish grey pinstripe suit, with a grey cloak thrown off of his shoulders to stave off the Isril wind and snow. On his left hand sits a prominent black ring on his ring finger, but his hands are otherwise unadorned and well-manicured. This man gives the appearance of someone who both takes care of himself, and greatly manages how others view him. His good attitude and natural smile throw off even the most cynical and wary of people. His demeanor is charismatic, refined, and manipulative. Only the trained eye could catch the glimmer of something otherworldly lurking below the surface.

Edgar in his natural form as a vantus appears as a towering fifteen-foot lithe humanoid possessing grey shadow like skin and black wings made of darkness.

His eyes are stark light brown against a sea of light grey. His fanged mouth possesses the same smile as his human form, only open far too wide and displaying his many dagger-like teeth. His arms end in wicked long claws and his black sapphire ring remains a prominent feature on his left hand. Other than his body’s proportions being stretched from his human form, his body is otherwise sculpted and pristine, devoid of any blemishes, scars, or deformities. An aura of darkness appears to surround him, as if his body was both made of shadow and the darkness is his to command. Constant whispers and what appear to be faces faintly glint through the darkness behind him.


Edgar is the son of Zachary, a worshiper of Vangal and member of his protective order, and Holly, a cleric of the Astean church. Following in his mother’s footsteps, Edgar joined the Astean church early in his life and strived for Astea’s grace. He even met Aevalyn, Astea’s mortal form, for a brief time during the Second Empire Wars. This encounter affected him greatly. Edgar was a loyal and resourceful individual, and personal power came to him in waves, in both influence and capability. Under circumstances that are still unclear, he was eventually given an offer he could not refuse, and tragically became the vantus of Airilereat during the Darkest War. Since then, he’s been moving forward with Airilereat’s goals, attempting to perform the actions his master wishes and complete a ritual necessary to shunt a weakened Airilereat to the Vibrant, for who knows what reasons. Edgar gained fame and influence in Dragonheart quickly over the last five years, and has been setting up his little empire under the unknowing noses of the Whiterose and Kurzar families of Isild. Edgar was eventually defeated by band of adventurers within the city of Dragonheart. Even though he was ended by this group, he successfully completed his ritual for Airilereat. However, with the aid of Edgar’s mother, the party who defeated him managed to find an item containing his humanity, and they have restored his human body to life. They hope that Edgar is now separate from any nefarious influence – but only time will tell.


As a vantus, Edgar’s primary concern is and always will be Airilereat’s will and goals. When he was still a human, he wanted to become the most pious Astean worshiper in the world, and eventually bring the faith of his goddess into a brighter age and spread Astea’s will throughout the land. He also harbored a dedicated desire for revenge against a certain noir for killing him during the Darkest War and bringing about his transition to a vantus. This noir is a member of the party who defeated him – Veil. His longing to bring her life to an end is one of the few desires he retained from his human life.


Edgar has a number of allies. First would be his black ring bearers, the influential people of Isild he bound to his will using corrupt black sapphire rings created for him by a captive alchemist. Second would be The Void, a prolific gang Edgar took over using both rings and a mysterious shadow essence. His other allies are the various Airilereat cultists who do his bidding, and the political allies he made as a powerful member of the upper echelons of Isril society.


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