Ildera, The Eldric Constructs

The ildera are a race of constructs known to be the single most adventurous race on Vathis.

They are an intelligent and inquisitive people whose peculiar connection to the Ether drives them to explore the world. Often hired as manual laborers, the ildera have proved themselves invaluable in the rebuilding of cities and forts destroyed during the Darkest War. The ildera were first discovered in the ancient depths of the city of Valiance, located in the kingdom of Vavaire. It was not until later in history, sometime after the discovery of eldria, that it was observed that ildera spawn naturally in places of great eldria concentration. Eldria synthesizes with the surrounding metal deposits in the soil to create eldricsteel. Given a long enough time, the eldricsteel concentration becomes so great that it fuses together, forming the living construct known as ildera. With the ability to generate eldricsteel artificially from the Eldricforges came the ability to artificially create ildera, and their numbers soared with this discovery.

Ildera flourish in locations with a variety of races and cultures.

They quickly adapt to the mannerisms and nuances of their new homes, and many societies tend to look favorably upon the ildera, as the ildera quickly rebuild what was lost during the Darkest War. Despite being so at home with those different from them, the ildera have extremely differing views on what standard practice is when dealing with others of their own kind. Large groups of ildera believe that the survival of their race will be restored at their own hand, and they choose to stick together and form roving bands looking for work, knowledge, wealth, or whatever pursuits motivate them to travel together. Others pursue their motivations alone and allow fate to guide them.

Ildera are roughly the same height as humans.

Their build is akin to a wiry humanoid with thin arms and legs. When an ildera equips armor crystals, the armor that grows quickly buffs up their torso and appendages, making them appear much thicker than they actually are. Ildera bodies are composed of claylike eldricsteel skin on top of eldricsteel apparatuses that resemble organs, and at their core they possess an eldricsteel bone structure. Their skin feels more like thick clay than hard metal, and it remains flexible enough to allow easy freedom of movement. The eldricsteel that the ildera are comprised of is the same color as grey dull steel veined with either blue or red, representing the elarian or vaedric eldric that they are born from.

Ildera possess many of the same facial features as other humanoid races, with some distinct changes.

Their eyes are twin faceted eldria crystals set into their skull. On either side of their eyes are two small slits representing nostrils, and these incisions allows the ildera to smell. Below their nose is a rather straightforward mouth. A crop of flowing crystalline filaments can grow from their head in a resemblance to hair, and ildera possess complete control over its growth and can choose to halt the filament growth at any time. Their hair and eye color will be either elarian blue or vaedric red, dependent on what eldria they are composed of. Two holes in the sides of their head grant the ildera the ability to hear just as well as a standard human. Due to these humanoid apparatuses, ildera can attain a large range of facial expressions and mannerisms. Ildera possess the standard amount of fingers and toes, with slightly elongated digits. While the bodies of ildera can be of both genders, thicker for male and thinner with breasts for female, ildera cannot procreate.

Ildera Racial Traits

Ildera are a naturally inquisitive race that easily retains new information. However, ildera have a hard time relating to other races and always seem slightly out of place.

Living Eldria: Ildera are humanoids with the living eldria subtype.

Medium: Ildera are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to size.

Normal Speed: Ildera have a base speed of 30 feet.

Eldric Gifts: The eldria that composes the bodies of the ildera grant them significant magical advantages. Spells have a hard time penetrating their natural resistance to hostile magic, and ildera can always sense locations of natural eldria.

Eldricsteel Skin: The eldricsteel that encompases the bodies of ildera grant them a semblance of natural armor.

Armor Crystal: Ildera can place specialized eldria crystals in their chest that envelops their body in impressive eldircsteel armor.

Untiring: Ildera are not slowed by the weight they carry on their backs and do not suffer fatigue while performing strenuous activity.


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