Darastrix “On Wings of Valor”

“On Wings of Valor”
Colors: Green, Blue, Silver
Banner: Silver Dragon Head
Population: 7,635,844
Capitol: Lavei
Government: Democratic Stratocracy
Leader(s): Kelseth zi’Askook, High Commander
Languages: Draconic, Common, Isril, Trist
Notable Exports: Mercenaries, Weapons, Salt
Darastrix is a mountainous nation recognized for its floating motes of land, abundant natural resources, and native population of vasar.
The defensibility of the nation’s motes and the strength of her people helped Darastrix survive the Darkest War, although the majority of the country’s grounded holdings were abandoned when her people sought refuge in the safety of the sky. The citizens of Darastrix are generally good-natured, and the populace puts loyalty and honor before their own lives, choosing to live proudly and honorably under the leadership of a High Commander. Darastrix is known for unique religious values, a military of unparalleled strength, and strict, just laws, which call a large number of paladins to her ranks. There is a surprising number of artists and architects in the country, and they display their well-honed skills in the elegant design of the towns and cities residing on floating motes. Darastrix possesses extensive open diplomacy with the nation of Vavaire, the result of a relationship fostered by the Vavairen cure of a Daras plague in earlier years. Imperialistic Tristan to the north has always harried Darastrix’s borders, and tensions run high between the two. Darastrix exports large quantities of mercenaries, weapons, and salt. The better part of the republic’s remaining land is utilized as farmland to support the sizable population living on the motes above. Darastrix’s current goals are to restore her war-torn land holdings and recover lost settlements for the benefit of her citizens living in the skies.
The vasar of Darastrix tend to be honest, hardworking, and stern.
While not distrusting of the world, they maintain a reserved outlook towards outsiders. They expect modesty and reservation within their borders. Tourists who visit the floating motes tend to feel honored and humbled by the vasar’s intense way of life, and most visitors treat the people of Darastrix with respect and humility fit for a king. The Darene people tolerate no disrespect, and those who would bring discord to the country are punished according to Daras law, which is notoriously just and uncorrupt. In general the Darene are known to be an intimidating lot, but they can remain calm and make exceptional diplomats as well. All Daras citizens are trained in combat in during their youth, and once they come of age they are inducted into the military for a minimum period of two years. Due to the vasar’s natural ability to fly the Winged Warriors of Darastrix are a renowned and feared fighting force throughout the world.
Physical prowess and strength are prized attributes to those who live in Darastrix, vasar or otherwise, though intelligence is also valued highly.
Bodily size lends to superiority in vasar society, and shows of strength and national pride are common aspects of everyday Daras life. There is a strong sense of brotherhood and community found on the floating motes. “We will succeed or fall as one” is a common Darene saying. The inner culture of Darastrix is exclusive to vasar, but the winged people are not hostile to the other races who live among them, and those who have proven themselves to the vasar find a special honorary place in the society of the draconians. While they tend to be calm and stoic, much of Darastrix is currently in disarray due to the recent reawakening of the dragons. Pockets of vasar have sworn allegiance to the dragons and turned their backs on the nation, and so the worship of dragons and assisting the marauding beasts has been outright banned and labeled as treason. Other strict laws of Darastrix pertain to the removal or mutilation of a vasar’s wings and defacement of burial grounds, both met with harsh punishments, as they are vital to the Darene and vasar way of life. Religion is paramount to the populace of Darastrix, and the people of the motes primarily recognize the four dragon gods: Naugrix, Vangal, Aleydra, and Serena. The majority of the nation’s populace reveres Naugrix as the head of the pantheon, followed by the other three, with Serenites commonly held in enmity. The significance placed in religion is plain to see in the ornate decoration and construction of their temples and lavish treasures bestowed upon their clergy, while the average Darene citizen leads a generally conservative and humble lifestyle.
The climate of Darastrix is wet and temperate.
The nation experiences harsh winters on behalf of the various weather systems moving south into the country from Drakostigat. The mountains surrounding the area are known to be especially brutal in climate, and much of the nation’s southeastern region is battered by eldric weather anomalies originating from the Shardlands. The heat of the Ixen Caldera has greatly altered the flora and fauna of the surrounding plains, and life within the area itself has long since died out or moved to greener pastures.