Eldricorns, The Crystalline Steeds

Eldricorns are believed to be horses that adapted to the effects of raw eldria during its spread.

They were first discovered in the Shardlands, but they can be found anywhere in areas of naturally occurring eldria. Though they run at a steady pace, they have not been bred for speed, and are instead primarily used for trips and duties requiring long, steady pacing. The magic infused in their bodies has led to them resembling unicorns rather than horses, and the innate magic they’ve been proven to wield is indicative of this as well.

These equine creatures are living eldria, much like the ildera race.

Their bodies are a mix of eldricsteel metal and crystal lattice given life by the magic contained within eldria crystals. They are usually hard and smooth, and feature small clusters of crystals running down the back of their head and upper neck much like a horse’s mane. Clusters of crystals can also be found at the end of their long tails and on their lower legs. Their most notable feature is the pure spire of eldria that sprouts from their head, nearly identical to a unicorn’s horn. This horn is especially magical. The eldricorn does not tire, and they are immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and disease. Like all living eldria, they do not need to eat or breathe, but they can do both for their own enjoyment and comfort if they so wish.

Training eldricorns is not as difficult as one may expect.

They respond to normal equine motivators, and enjoy the same treats that flesh and blood horses enjoy for their taste, such as carrots and sugar cubes. Eldricorns respond best to ildera handlers, but anyone with enough perseverance and know-how could easily train one. Many ildera take comfort in the presence of other living eldria creatures, and seek out the eldricorn as their chosen steeds. Others may be fearful of these creatures, even though they are generally harmless, and good-natured. They can be somewhat uncomfortable to ride for long periods of time if not properly saddled.

The magic stored within an eldricorn’s horn sometimes results in strange natural magical effects occurring centered on the eldricorn in question.

Clever spellcasters such as wizards have even found ways to store spells and incantations within their horns, utilizing the horn itself as a reservoir of magic. Though not insanely powerful, this is known to be useful, and one should never attempt to harm an eldricorn or steal it from a spellcaster, lest they be blasted with a prepared fireball erupting outwards from the eldricorn’s horn. Their calm temperament, unwavering stamina, and undeniable beauty make eldricorns a prized mount in most of world’s countries. These hardy steeds are found heavily in Vavaire, where they were first brought and trained following their discovery in the Shardlands. They are also popular in Tristan, where eldric technology is embraced wholeheartedly, and rarely feared. They are a rare sight in Sillirai and Washu, both island nations far from the heart of Asarus, as well as in Darastrix, where land-locked mounts have no place.


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